Menteri Bappenas, Bambang Brojonegoro take selfie with UID President, Mari Elka Pangestu and YAF Participants
In order to commemorate the Indonesia Youth Pledge Day, United in Diversity (UID) and UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Indonesia organized Youth Action Forum (YAF) which was attended by 60 leaders of social/entrepreneurial organizations from various regions in Indonesia. The dialogue forum was also attended by the Minister of National Development Planning. Bambang Brojonegoro is also a real action UID and UN-SDN Indonesia support the government to achieve the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia that has been established by President Jokowi through Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2017 on July 4, 2017. YAF took place from 29 to 31 October and is has been successfully generated creative ideas and synergies from participants aged 16-30 years old.
"Indonesia has affirmed its commitment to implement SDGs as President Yudhoyono stated at a G20 summit in Hamburg Messe Und Congress, Germany, July 7, 2017. Dialogue such as YAF is expected to help realize that commitment. Although SDGs is an ambitious development agenda, it can be realized if all Indonesian people and the world want to work together to collaborate and synergize to make it happen, "said Bambang who has also assigned President Jokowi to SDGs national road map and National Action Plan of SDGs.
Through Presidential Decree No.59 of 2017, the government has conducted SDGs alignment with the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) and the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN). SDGs has become a global commitment agreed by 193 countries in September 2015, including Indonesia.
The leaders agreed to implement sustainable development by adapting the sustainable development agenda embodied in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) up to 2030 to continue the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The agenda comprises 17 main objectives with 169 targets, and covers 3 main dimensions of economy, social, and environment. SDG includes 10 goals for the welfare of the people through the eradication of poverty and hunger; access to health, education, clean water and sanitation, and decent work; achieving gender equality; discard inequality; and the achievement of innovation. Besides, there are 5 goals related to protecting the environment including habitable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, action to keep watch on climate change, and to preserve underwater and terrestrial life. In the end also agreed to achieve the required SDG strong institutions and partnerships.
President of UID Foundation Mari Elka Pangestu said, as a non-profit UID organization since its inception in 2003 has been actively involved in developing and implementing the concept of sustainable development. "Through YAF, it is expected that all parties, especially the younger generation who are 50% of Indonesia's population, can be more inspired and synergize to build and implement the concept of sustainable development for the progress and sustainability of Indonesian people's prosperity in the future," said Mari.
Noted, UID has also been appointed by UNSDSN to lead the network of this institute in Indonesia. Meanwhile, UNSDN Indonesia is also believed to be a representative of UNSDSN Southeast Asia (UNSDSN SEA) launched in October 2013 in Bali by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs as advisor to the UN Secretary-General as well as Director of Earth Institute, Columbia University with Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the period 2012-2014.
UNSDSN is a global organization consisting of academics, researchers, social entrepreneurs, and LSDM spread across 9 regions and 28 countries. UN SDSN was launched by UN Secretary General Ban Kin Moon on August 9, 2012 in New York. This organization has a central role in formulating SDGs and also supports the United Nations in mobilizing experts in science and technology to create innovations and solutions that support the achievement of sustainable development in all fields and implement it in real terms in society.
Let's be optimistic, through youth dialogue such as YAF will greatly assist Indonesia in achieving the Targets of Sustainable Development. "Give me 1000 parents I will undo Mount Semeru from the roots, give me 10 youths, will undoubtedly shake the world, and give me 60 young people like you-you are now, then Indonesia will be a happy society," said Mari quoting a speech once delivered President Soekarno.
So is the founder of UID Foundation Cherie Nursalim, "From various activities organized by UID since 2003 it is clearly seen that the young generation of Indonesia has a strong spirit to realize their dreams, including in the social and environmental field.
We hope and optimist, YAF can provide stronger energy to the participants to build a more prosperous Indonesia in the future. In addition, the private sector is ready as a partner with the government and other stakeholders to take concrete actions in realizing SDGs for Indonesia "said Cherie who also UNSDSN leadership Council and Chair of UNSDN Southeast Asia.
In line with Cherie, Network Coordinator SDSN Youth Indonesia Rahyang Nusantara said, YAF will be a place for young people to "walk the talk" in realizing what has become a common commitment in reaching SDGs. "Through this forum, young people can share stories and positive experiences so that they can be an inspiration for the wider public," said Rahyang, who is also an environmental activist for the plastic bag diet. On this act, Rahyang has also been invited to attend the Climate Change Conference or Conference of Parties (COP) which will be held in Berlin, Germany.