
Our Deepest Condolences on the Passing of Prof. Firmanzah, Ph.D.06 February 2021

"Indonesia and the academic world and UID IDEAS Family mourns the loss of one of its brightest scholar.

Firmanzah made history as the youngest professor in the prestigious University of Indonesia, rector at Paramadina University and special economic advisor to President SBY in 2012. He has passed away in Bogor on February 6, 2021. He was 44.

Our deepest condolences on the passing of our dear brother and IDEAS 2.0 Fellow who went to MIT in year 2010 and is lovingly remembered by his cohort for his kindness, wisdom, grace and generosity of knowledge.

“Fly high, Mas Fiz.
Rest in love and Rest In Peace”

Prof. Firmanzah, Ph.D.
IDEAS 2.0 Fellow

07.07.1976 - 06.02.2021

IDEAS 2 Members 

1. Rahimah Abdulrahim
2. Felia Salim
3. Adhitya Wisesa
4. Adi Harsono
5. Anang Noegroho S.
6. Arief Patramijaya
7. Arif Danurdara Tachril
9. Bambang Shergi Laksmono
10. Chandra Wirman
11. Christopher Chan
12. Dodi Reza
13. Ernie widianty rahardjo
14. Intan Abdams Katoppo
15. Laurensia Sally Lawu
16. M. Giri Ramanda N.Kiemas
17. Maria R. Nindita
18. Muhammad Bagir
19. Muhammad Hatta
20. Retno Shanti R
21. Rikard Bagun
22. Robert James Bintaryo
23. Srie Agustina
24. Suyoto
25. Tantowi Yahya
26. Tiene Rahma Prihatini Gunawan
27. VP Sharma
28. Widya Purnama Dewi
29. Yanik Cantieni