
Co-CLASS FIRST: Convening stakeholders for Indonesia's industry 4.004 December 2018

Also in May, UID organized Collective Creative Learning and Action for Sustainable Solution (Co-CLASS) FIRST as a result of the signing of a Letter of Intent between the Ministry of Industry, UID and Tsinghua University in May 2017. In alignment with UID’s goal of “building trust for our common future”, UID has engaged the tri-sector to increase the collective capacity. The theme of Co-CLASS FIRST is “Mental Revolution for the Development of Indonesia’s Industry 4.0 Ecosystem”, which included 27 participants from 9 ministries and agencies, 7 businesses and 3 education institutions. The 27 participants were then encouraged to develop a total of 5 prototypes which aims to create positive impact towards the industrial sector.

Divided into 6 workshops starting from May 2018 until December 2018, the focus of Co-CLASS FIRST is to increase leadership capacity in preparation for the challenges of the 21st century. On December 4th 2018 the participants graduated from the program.

Minister Airlangga Hartarto with UID trustees Cherie Nursalim and Tuti Hadiputranto visiting one of the prototype booth, 4th December 2018.